Mindfulness Exercise

Choose a time when you are together with your family, like at dinner time, or in the morning:

1. Take a tall mindful seat

2. Start by taking one long breath in through your nose as if you are smelling something delicious and a long smooth breathe out through your mouth. You can use the video below to follow along with the breathing.

repeat this 3 - 5 times

3. Now each family member is invited to share three things they are grateful for and one thing they are not grateful for. Notice how you feel.

It's important that we are allowed to also express the things we don't like or that upset us and acknowledge that they also exist. We can teach our children (and ourselves) that it's ok to have and feel all feelings rather than suppressing them. After all, that's what mindfulness is about.

Practice this daily, make it a new ritual for you and your family.